AlViRity AR/VR Русская версия

The logo of LLC "Alvirity"

A logo has been developed for Alviry LLC

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AlViRity VR/AR site

We present to your attention the second website of our company.
On the website you can order a set of services for creating applications for virtual and augmented reality.

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Alvirity website

The main site of Alvirity

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Website of the head of the company

The site was developed for the director of the company "Alviriti" Alexey Sergeevich Vorobyov. On the website you can get acquainted with his autobiography.

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Website for LLC "TIS"

A corporate website with elements of a marketplace, designed for TIS LLC. The commercial industrial service is engaged in the production of high-quality seals and plate heat exchangers.

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Computer vision for the active recreation hall "NEO"

A software and hardware complex has been developed that automates the work of the club administrator with biometric identification of the client, using computer vision based on a neural network. The hardware and software complex automates the company's business processes, eliminates the human factor and reduces the wage fund. It is optimized for the individual conditions of the company, the ability to deploy the software part to additional equipment in the form of a terminal or gadget. Adaptation with any security systems.

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Website for the provision of legal services

The site is designed specifically for a highly respected lawyer, a professional in his field - Olga Alexandrovna Rusyaeva. It is a pleasure to implement projects for such wonderful people!

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The site of the "Center for Cadastral Assessment" of the Lipetsk region

The site was developed for the "Cadastral Assessment Center" of the Lipetsk region.

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The Alvimir website

Alvimir is an international exchange of opportunities where each participant can buy, sell, exchange goods or services on mutually beneficial terms.

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The logo for the Alvimir website

The logo for the Alvimir website

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The BIO - Site was developed for the innovative company BIOECOPROJECT LLC, a resident of the high-tech technopark Zhigulevskaya Dolina. The information system acts as an additional sales channel for disinfectants with a wide range of applications.

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Сorporate website "Rosneft"

"Rosneft" - is a corporate business card website, implemented in order to acquaint the guests of the portal with the company's activities, as well as requests and offers for vacant positions.

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Website for kindergarten

The site is designed for a Montessori kindergarten in Tolyatti.

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Business card design for the presenter

We have designed a business card design for the host of festive events.

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Invitation text design

We designed the design and, using a neural network, generated the text of a new hippie-style birthday invitation.

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Video business card in augmented reality

A business card is the basis of business etiquette.
And it just so happens that you and I live in the age of the rise of high technology, so my team and I implemented a business card in augmented reality.

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Logo for Exotherapy

Logo for Exotherapy

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Multifunctional CRM system

An automated information system with CRM elements, personal accounts for the roles of: salon owner, salon administrator, company promoter and client. With referral and bonus programs. As well as the possibility of remote monitoring and control of the hardware of the hardware and software complex.

We performed the software as a software part for the hardware and software complex implemented by Exogroup LLC, which is a resident of the Zhiguli Valley high-tech technopark, a Skolkovo participant and a cool innovative company.

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Mining Site

A multi-page website with elements of a marketplace dedicated to the sale of mining equipment and components.

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The logo for the Miner Lab website

The logo for the Miner Lab website

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Website for an Ecotherapy salon in Sochi

A website for an Ecotherapy salon in the city of Sochi, with the possibility of recording a procedure on a certain day and time. Visitors also have the opportunity to register a personal account, take part in referral and bonus programs.

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Website for the Beauty Studio "Lotus"

The website for the Beauty Studio "Lotus", with the possibility of recording a procedure on a certain date and time, in addition, on the site you will find the latest news from the world of health and beauty.

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Website for the Kozhin & Partners Law Firm

The website of the Kozhin and Partners law firm with the possibility of making an appointment for a consultation. In addition, you can find useful blog articles on the site.

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Logo for the Kozhin & Partners Law Firm

The logo is designed in a modern style and reflects the professionalism and reliability of the law firm.

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WizcARd Web Application

WizcARd is an innovative service that allows you to create interactive projects in digital and augmented reality:

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The Mirage business card website is an interactive AR application

The Mirage business card website is an AR application with intelligent characters for interactive locations in augmented reality.

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Website for the Made in Tolyatti project

The website of the Made in Tolyatti project, which is an electronic catalog of companies and entrepreneurs of Tolyatti companies.

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Simulator of UAV design and control in VR

🚁 Your attention is drawn to the "Simulator of designing and controlling unmanned aerial vehicles in virtual reality". At the moment, the VR application development team is working on a test version of the project.

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Alvirity Chatbot

Alvirity Chatbot

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AlViRity AR/VR

+ 7 (927) 788 - 88 - 82

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