AlViRity AR/VR Русская версия

🎁 Today we congratulate the residents of Tolyatti on the city Day!

🎁  Today we congratulate the residents of Tolyatti on the city Day!

🦁 Good time, dear friends and dear readers!

🎁 Today we congratulate the residents of Tolyatti on the city Day! As well as the winner of the main prize - a high-end electric scooter, who received it following the results of the drawing at the Eco-Picnic dedicated to the day of the city of Tolyatti on the basis of the technopark in the field of high technologies "Zhiguli Valley".

⭐ Our company has been the general partner of Ecopicnik for more than a year and for the third year in a row it gives citizens the opportunity to win this amazing eco-friendly transport.

💜 Sincerely, the team of "Alvirity".

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AlViRity AR/VR

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